Tuesday, May 10, 2011

They have a Kit for that...

As mentioned in my previous entry, the staple of a Bakery's arsenal is the cake kit. Pre-designed cake sets that come with decoration instructions - down to the # of the appropriate tips to use - and toys! Little Jimmy's 11th birthday party wouldn't be complete without a mandetory cake topped with his favorite Power Ranger!

Do kids even like Power Rangers anymore? How does anyone under age the age of 20 remember Tommy, the Green ranger? Or that the Yellow Ranger was originally supposed to be a guy? I guess early '90s TV executives didn't consider yellow a gender neutral color. Besides, Beetleborgs was WAY cooler than PR. Battle armored teens AND a magical ghost that looked like the love child of Elvis and Jay Leno! 


In any case, most cake decorators will be well versed in the art of cake kits. And how much of a pain they can be. The major manufacturer of cake kits is DecoPac ©.  

The Toys-R-Us for cake decorators.

They create a wide variety of decorations from cupcake pics, sprinkles, baking supplies, to cake sets. For weddings, birthdays, baby showers ect...

But at our store, we can only get kits that corporate approves of. Which boils down to the simple fact that "There are a lot of kits people want that we can't get! And the ones we can get are outdated and badly designed!"

Instead of the modern Mickey Mouse cake seen here:


We are stuck with this bizarre mess of a cake design:

 There's a joke about Disney and an evil corporate money machine somewhere in this cake...

Seriously though, where are we supposed to fit "Happy Birthday" on that thing? Not to mention the fact that random blobby rings of various colors make for poor design. I think the '80s threw up on your cake Timmy, sorry.

And check out the Minnie Mouse cake!

Yes, my lovelies. Buy! Buy until you've spent all of your husband's money!

But out of all the cake kits I have come across, the worst designed must be awarded to the Dora The Explorer Rosie Posie set. 

 Just like meaningless sex, no one makes eye contact...

I sometimes wonder what the hell those three are up to in this set. Are they conspiring? Planning a bank heist? Either way, Diego looks like he's the look out.
Although it appears DecoPac is hopping onto the super hero bandwagon as well. With noticeable lack of enthusiasm...


 This cake makes me cry...

As someone who just saw Thor today, I can honestly say this cake is a horribly poor representation of Thor's awesomeness. Even MegaMind got a design with decent air brush work!

 And there is also the fact that our supplier of cake kits are always discontinuing the most popular kits without explanation or reason! And we also just got a new catalog with new kits and designs as well as some gorgeous designs for Mothers Day...two days AFTER the fact.

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